Heating load, COP, exergy loss rate, exergy output rate and ecological optimizations for a class of generalized irreversible universal heat pump cycles


  • Lingen Chen.
  • Huijun Feng.
  • Fengrui Sun.


Finite time thermodynamics, irreversible universal heat pump cycle, heating load, COP, exergy loss rate, exergy output rate, ecological function


The optimal performance of a class of generalized irreversible universal steady flow heat pump cycle model, which consists of two heat-absorbing branches, two heat-releasing branches and two irreversible adiabatic branches with the losses of heat-resistance, heat leakage and internal irreversibility is analyzed by using finite time thermodynamics. The analytical formulae about heating load, coefficient of performance (COP), exergy loss rate, exergy output rate and ecological function of the universal heat pump cycle are derived. Moreover, performance comparisons among maximum COP condition, a given exergy output rate condition and maximum ecological function condition are carried out by using numerical examples. It is shown that the ecological function objective is an excellent candidate objective with the ideal of an ecological and long-term goal. The effects of heat leakage and internal irreversibility on the cycle performance are discussed. The universal cycle model gives a unified description of seven heat pump cycles, and the results obtained include the performance characteristics of Brayton, Otto, Diesel, Atkinson, Dual, Miller and Carnot heat pump cycles with the losses of heat-resistance, heat leakage and internal irreversibility.




How to Cite

Lingen Chen., Huijun Feng., and Fengrui Sun., “Heating load, COP, exergy loss rate, exergy output rate and ecological optimizations for a class of generalized irreversible universal heat pump cycles”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 302–0, Jan. 2010.