Relativistic charged particle in a uniform electromagnetic field


  • G.F. Torres del Castillo
  • C. Sosa Sánchez


Electromagnetic field, matrix exponentials, dominant energy condition, orthogonal transformations


The equations of motion for a relativistic charged particle in a uniform electromagnetic field are solved in a covariant form by calculating the exponential of the matrix corresponding to the electromagnetic field tensor. It is shown that owing to the antisymmetry of the electromagnetic field tensor, the exponential mentioned above can be easily calculated. Some results are then applied to study the algebraic properties of the energy-momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field and the orthogonal transformations in spaces of dimension 4.




How to Cite

G. Torres del Castillo and C. Sosa Sánchez, “Relativistic charged particle in a uniform electromagnetic field”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 53–0, Jan. 2011.