A $m$-dimensional stochastic estimator


  • R. Palma Orozco
  • J. de J
  • G. Garrido Aguilar


Linear algebra, matrix theory, control theory, stochastic processes


This paper shows the development of a optimal stochastic estimator for a black-box system in a $m$-dimensional space, observing noise with an unknown dynamics model. The results are based in state space, described by a discrete stochastic estimator and noise characterization. The proposed result gives an algorithm to construct diagonal form for the state space system. It is a new technique for a instrumental variable tool, and a diagonalization process avoiding the calculation of pseudo-inverse matrices is presented with a linear computational complexity $O(j)$ and $j$ as the diagonal matrix dimension. The results show that it is possible to reconstruct the observable signal with a probability approximation.




How to Cite

R. Palma Orozco, J. de J, and G. Garrido Aguilar, “A $m$-dimensional stochastic estimator”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 69–76, Jan. 2012.