Estimador de parámetros para sistemas de orden superior


  • J.J. Medel Juárez
  • M.T. Zagaceta Álvarez


Finite differences, mathematical expectation, estimation, second probability moment, time-invariant systems


This paper~presents parameter estimations considering~an observable~black box~system signal represented with high order finite differences. The model is~expressed as a~sequence of delayed observable states~conforming space state vector~to its~known associated parameters. The estimation technique is based on~pseudo-inverse~and an innovation process~associated with perturbation and an observable signal. The simulation~uses two high order~finite difference~models, second and third grades with associate parameters. In both cases the observed signal~depends~on their delayed states. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate two~and three parameters with respect to second and third order models, respectively. The estimation results allowed identifying~the observable signal with a high convergence rate in base of functional error, as~shown in~the figures. Instrumental~variable~is the technique applied to the second~probability~moment constructing~the estimator~for a~high finite difference~order system.




How to Cite

J. Medel Juárez and M. Zagaceta Álvarez, “Estimador de parámetros para sistemas de orden superior”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 127–132, Jan. 2012.