Relative intensities of gadolinium L X-Rays, induced by proton bombardment at energies between 200 keV to 750 keV


  • C.E. Canto
  • O.G. de Lucio
  • J.G. Morales
  • J.C. Pineda


PIXE, X-ray lines relative intensity, low energy accelerator physics


Relative intensities of Gd characteristic L X-Ray, induced by proton impact have been measured for GdF$_{3}$ thin films, as a function of projectile energy and also as a function of a variable defined as the relative velocity of the incoming particle. Results are presented as intensity ratios for L sub-shells and intensity ratios for particular transitions both of them measured with respect to the total number of X-ray photons recorded; in all cases it is possible to show an energy dependence for these intensity ratios. Complementary microanalysis studies (AFM, SEM/EDS) were performed in order to have accurate information on the chemical composition and surface properties of the thin films.




How to Cite

C. Canto, O. de Lucio, J. Morales, and J. Pineda, “Relative intensities of gadolinium L X-Rays, induced by proton bombardment at energies between 200 keV to 750 keV”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 205–210, Jan. 2012.