A theorem allowing the derivation of deterministic evolution equations from stochastic evolution equations. tensorial, spinorial, and other extensions


  • G. Costanza


Evolution equations, stochastic processes


The proof of a new extension of a theorem that allows to construct deterministic evolution equations from a set of discrete stochastic evolution equation is developed. The present extension allows to handle evolution equations of dynamical variables that are tensors of any rank. Due that the almost paradigmatic field that uses tensors is relativity, an illustrative example is given and the equations that allows to find the geodesics is derived from a set of discrete stochastic evolution equations. Extension to dynamical variables described by spinor indices or ``arbitrary labels'' are given.




How to Cite

G. Costanza, “A theorem allowing the derivation of deterministic evolution equations from stochastic evolution equations. tensorial, spinorial, and other extensions”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 141–0, Jan. 2013.