The effects of the Bragg curve on the nuclear track formation in CR-39 polycarbonate, with the atomic force microscopy approach


  • C. Vázquez-López
  • B.E. Zendejas-Leal
  • R. Fragoso
  • J.I. Golzarri
  • G. Espinosa


Etched nuclear track profiles, CR-39, atomic force microscope (AFM), etched nuclear track simulation, etched nuclear track evolution


The etching nuclear track parameters were analyzed, using atomic force microscopy (AFM), allowing the simulation of the nuclear track profiles evolution. For these experiments, CR-39 (Lantrack\texttrademark) was chosen, because the excellent energy response to alpha particles. Due to the AFM limitations, it was necessary to reduce the incident particle energy in order to reach the Bragg peak region in the AFM scanning process. The different profile shapes of the etched tracks were clearly observed in the evolution process.




How to Cite

C. Vázquez-López, B. Zendejas-Leal, R. Fragoso, J. Golzarri, and G. Espinosa, “The effects of the Bragg curve on the nuclear track formation in CR-39 polycarbonate, with the atomic force microscopy approach”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 165–0, Jan. 2013.