About the inclusion of an infinite number of resonances in anomalous decays


  • D. García Gudiño
  • G. Toledo Sánchez


Strong decays, vector mesons, effective couplings


The usual procedure to extract the $g^{eff}_{\omega\rho\pi}$ effective coupling from experimental data resumes not only the $\rho$ meson effect but also all its additional radial excitation modes. In this work, we consider a particular form of the spectrum and relations among the couplings to explicitly add the radial excitations of the $\rho$ meson from the $\omega \rightarrow \pi^0 \gamma$ and $\omega \rightarrow 3\pi$ decays. This allows to identify the single \linebreak $g_{\omega\rho\pi}= 8.3 \pm 0.8$~GeV$^{-1}$, which is about 40% smaller than the effective $g^{eff}_{\omega\rho\pi}$. We verify the consistency with the chiral approach in the $\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma\gamma$ and $\gamma^* \rightarrow 3\pi$ processes, exhibiting the role of each contribution. In particular, we show that for the $\gamma^* \rightarrow 3 \pi$ decay, the usual relation $\mathcal{A}^{VMD}_{\gamma3\pi}=(3/2)\mathcal{A}^{WZW}_{\gamma3\pi}$, encodes all the vector contributions and not only the $\rho$ meson one. In addition, we find that there is a strong (accidental) cancelation between the radial excitations and the contact term contributions.




How to Cite

D. García Gudiño and G. Toledo Sánchez, “About the inclusion of an infinite number of resonances in anomalous decays”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 60, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 123–0, Jan. 2014.