Quasiclassical approach to tunnel ionization in the non relativistic and relativistic regimes


  • T. B
  • V. M


Tunnel ionization, transition rate


Non relativistic and relativistic transition rates were observed for the deep tunnel regime for the case of a linear polarized laser field. The contribution of the initial momentum of an ejected photoelectron, the ponderomotive potential and the linear Stark shift for the Ar atom and its ions were taken into account. It was shown that, in both regimes, these processes have an influence on the transition rate behavior. The curves obtained for the transition rate show that with increasing laser filed intensities and ion charge the influence of relativistic effects increases.




How to Cite

T. B and V. M, “Quasiclassical approach to tunnel ionization in the non relativistic and relativistic regimes”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 60, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 290–0, Jan. 2014.