Mapping of solutions of the Hamilton--Jacobi equation by an arbitrary canonical transformation


  • G.F. Torres del Castillo
  • H.H. Cruz Domínguez
  • A. de Yta Hernández
  • J.E. Herrera Flores
  • A. Sierra Martínez


Hamilton--Jacobi equation, canonical transformations


It is shown that given an arbitrary canonical transformation and an arbitrary Hamiltonian, there is a naturally defined mapping that sends any solution of the Hamilton--Jacobi (HJ) equation into a solution of the HJ equation corresponding to the new Hamiltonian.




How to Cite

G. Torres del Castillo, H. Cruz Domínguez, A. de Yta Hernández, J. Herrera Flores, and A. Sierra Martínez, “Mapping of solutions of the Hamilton--Jacobi equation by an arbitrary canonical transformation”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 60, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 301–0, Jan. 2014.