Invarianza de las ecuaciones de movimiento bajo transformaciones de escala espacio-temporales en la dinámica de Newton modificada (MOND)


  • R. Acosta
  • E. Tuirán
  • U. Molina Redondo


MOND, modified gravity, modified inertia, scale transformation, invariance


The basic principles that originated the Modified Newtonian Dynamics MOND, are shown, as well as a description of the fundamentals aspects of the theory: modification of gravity and modification of inertia. Also, it is considered the behaviour of the movement equations under space-temporal scale transformations of the movement equations, that is, transformations that have the form $(t,\vec{r})\rightarrow(\lambda t, \vec{r})$. It was observed in this way that the MOND regime comes from the requirement of the invariance of the movement equations with respect to this transformations.




How to Cite

R. Acosta, E. Tuirán, and U. Molina Redondo, “Invarianza de las ecuaciones de movimiento bajo transformaciones de escala espacio-temporales en la dinámica de Newton modificada (MOND)”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 61, no. 1 Jan-Feb, pp. 25–0, Jan. 2015.