Discrete symmetry in graphene: the Dirac equation and beyond


  • E. Sadurní
  • E. Rivera-Mociños
  • A. Rosado


2d Dirac equation, discrete symmetries, graphene, boron nitride


In this paper we review the discrete symmetries of the Dirac equation using elementary tools, but in a comparative order: the usual $3+1$ dimensional case and the $2+1$ dimensional case. Motivated by new applications of the 2d Dirac equation in condensed matter (e.g. graphene), we further analyze the discrete symmetries of a full tight-binding model in hexagonal lattices without conical approximations. We touch upon an effective CPT symmetry breaking that occurs when deformations and second-neighbor corrections are considered.




How to Cite

E. Sadurní, E. Rivera-Mociños, and A. Rosado, “Discrete symmetry in graphene: the Dirac equation and beyond”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 61, no. 3 May-Jun, pp. 170–0, Jan. 2015.