Fractional viscoelastic models applied to biomechanical constitutive equations


  • J.E. Palomares-Ruiz
  • M. Rodriguez-Madrigal
  • J.G. Castro Lugo
  • A.A. Rodriguez-Soto


Fractional, viscoelastic, biomechanics, soft tissues


The aim of this work consist to compare the traditional viscoelastic material models vs the fractional ones, determinate the fractional order of the differential operator that characterize the mechanical stress-strain relation, the stress relaxation and the creep compliance of this models for a biological soft tissue, in particular a femoral artery. Apply the Laplace transform for Mittag-Leffler function type and the convolution on fractional standard lineal solid differential equation, known as Zener model, to obtain analytical solution. Simulated the force-pressure related by singular blood flow pulse and the displacement response.




How to Cite

J. Palomares-Ruiz, M. Rodriguez-Madrigal, J. Castro Lugo, and A. Rodriguez-Soto, “Fractional viscoelastic models applied to biomechanical constitutive equations”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 61, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 261–0, Jan. 2015.