Contributions to the defocusing effect on pole figure measurements by X-ray diffraction


  • J. Palacios Gómez
  • R.S. Salat Figols
  • A. Jiménez Jiménez
  • T. Kr
  • shtab.


X-ray diffraction, texture


A simple method, considering a parallel beam approximation has been made to reproduce the main features of the defocusing effect, observed when pole figures are measured with the Schulz reflection technique using X-ray diffraction. A Lorentzian curve was used to approximate the primary beam profile. This method applied to low index reflections of copper and silver shows qualitatively and partially quantitatively, the extent the elongation of the ellipse resulting from the intersection of the beam with the tilted sample causes the defocusing effect. Differences observed experimentally are attributed mainly to the divergence of the beam, but also partially to the particular primary beam profile. Additionally, measurements with two different vertical heights of the receiving slit, i.e. the measured arch length of the Debye-Scherrer ring, indicate that this parameter plays no role in defocusing.




How to Cite

J. Palacios Gómez, R. Salat Figols, A. Jiménez Jiménez, T. Kr, and shtab., “Contributions to the defocusing effect on pole figure measurements by X-ray diffraction”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 61, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 296–0, Jan. 2015.