Equilibrium profiles of liquids in tilted Taylor-Hauksbee cells


  • A. Jara
  • A Medina.
  • C.A. Vargas
  • F.J. Higuera


Capillary flows, hydrostatics, flow visualization, imaging


In this work we study theoretically and experimentally the equilibrium profiles attained under spontaneous capillary rise of viscous liquids in the wedge-shaped narrow gap between two vertical plates intersecting at a tight angle $\alpha \ll 1$. We contrast the differences among the case with vertical edge and those in which the arista is tilted to the vertical. Our theoretical description agrees well with experimental data for several analyzed inclinations.




How to Cite

A. Jara, A Medina., C. Vargas, and F. Higuera, “Equilibrium profiles of liquids in tilted Taylor-Hauksbee cells”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 61, no. 5 Sept-Oct, pp. 372–0, Jan. 2015.