Additive and multiplicative noises acting simultaneously on Ermakov-Ray-Reid systems


  • E. Cervantes-López
  • P.B. Espinoza
  • A. Gallegos
  • H.C. Rosu


Noise, additive, multiplicative, Ermakov-Ray-Reid oscillator system, dynamical invariant


We investigate numerically the effect of additive and multiplicative noises on parametric oscillator systems of Ermakov-Ray-Reid type when both noises act simultaneously. We find that the main perturbation effects on the dynamical invariant of these systems are produced by the additive noise. Different from the separate action of the multiplicative noise when the dynamical invariant of these systems is robust, we also find a weak effect that can be attributed to the multiplicative noise.




How to Cite

E. Cervantes-López, P. Espinoza, A. Gallegos, and H. Rosu, “Additive and multiplicative noises acting simultaneously on Ermakov-Ray-Reid systems”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 62, no. 3 May-Jun, pp. 267–0, Jan. 2016.