Design and simulation of a control for the opening and closing of the side ventilation windows in a greenhouse
optimal control, dynamic model, microclimate, performance index, opening and closing of the side ventilation windows.Abstract
An optimal control for the opening and closing of the side ventilation windows of a greenhouse can be obtained from a mathematical model of the crop and the greenhouse. In the greenhouse model, control input is the ventilation, and to carry out the instrumentation in the immediate future, this term we related with the aperture of the lee and windward side ventilation windows. We consider a model with four states variables: the structural biomass of leaves, the structural biomass of fruit, the nonstructural biomass (nutrients) and the carbon dioxide. Even though the control of carbon dioxide concentration inside the greenhouse is not directly addressed in this study, optimal control of the opening and closing of vents significantly complements the regulation of the carbon dioxide concentration. To apply the optimal control theory, we select a functional cost in order to increase the benefit of the farmer.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Eligio Moises Gutierrez Arias, Jose Eladio Flores Mena, Gabriela Perez Osorio, Maria Monserrat Morin Castillo, Gerardo Pantle Cuatle, Erik Cordova Gutierrez

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