A new variational approach and its application toheavy quarkonia
QCD, potential models, quarkonium systemsAbstract
By combining the variational principle with Heisenberg uncertaintyprinciple in an effective Hamiltonian for heavy flavored mesons, we in-troduce a framework to estimate masses and radii of these states froman analytical constraint. In a novel manner, a model for quark velocityand a model for quark momentum width are introduced. These kinemat-ical model parameters are obtained as analytical functions of inter quarkseparation in heavy quarkonia. The values of such quark parameters arethen used in the calculation of S-wave annihilation decay rates of \bar{c}c and\bar{b} b. To test the accuracy of our technique we first calculate the spin averaged masses, scalar radii and annihilation decay rates of charmoniumand bottomonium without and with relativistic corrections by solving theSchrödinger wave equation with the appropriate parametrization of the Song-Lin potential. The Schrödinger wave equation is solved numericallywith the matrix Numerov method and we observe a good agreement withthe experimental measurements and other theoretical calculations and extract strong running coupling constant for \bar{c}c and \bar{b}b systems. In non rel-ativistic settings, heavy meson spectra have been obtained and extended to rather higher excited states within our framework by using bare masses of c and b quarks which we have extracted from analysis of experimentaldataReferences
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