Spherical symmetry breaking in electric, magnetic and toroidal multipole moment radiations in spherical toroidal resonant cavities and optimum-efficiency antennas


  • E. Ley Koo Instituto de Fisica, UNAM
  • H. Torres-Bustamante Instituto de Fisica, UNAM
  • A. Góngora T. Formely of Northeastern University




Electromagnetic multipole moment expansion


This Letter reports the breaking of the spherical symmetry in the complete electromagnetic multipole expansion when its sources are distributed on spherical toroidal surfaces, identifying the specic geometrical and physical changes from
the familiar case of sources on a spherical surface. In fact, for spherical toroids dened by concentric spherical rings and symmetric conical rings, the boundary conditions at the latter are not compatible in general with integer values for the orbital angular momentum label of the multipole moments: the polar angle eigenfunctions become Legendre functions of order λ and associativity m represented as innite series with a denite parity, and their complementary associated radial functions are spherical Bessel functions of the same order λ. Consequently, the corresponding multipole sources for the electric, magnetic and toroidal moments and their connections are identied within the Debye formalism, and the
appropriate outgoing wave Green functions are constructed in the new basis of eigenfunctions of the Helmholtz equation. Our familiarity with the exact solutions, for the cases of the complete sphere and of cylindrical toroids, allow us to give a preliminary account of the electromagnetic elds for the spherical toroids via the integration of their sources and the Green function for resonant cavities and optimum effciency antennas.




How to Cite

E. Ley Koo, H. Torres-Bustamante, and A. Góngora T., “Spherical symmetry breaking in electric, magnetic and toroidal multipole moment radiations in spherical toroidal resonant cavities and optimum-efficiency antennas”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 67, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 174–179, Jul. 2021.