Synchronization in the van der Pol-Duffing system via elastic and dissipative couplings


  • Ulises Uriostegui Legorreta CINVESTAV
  • E.S. Tututi UMSNH



Nonlinear dynamics, control of chaos, synchronization


The classical master-slave configuration allows synchronizing pairs of unidirectionally coupled systems in a relatively easy manner. However, it has been found that this scheme has a limitation: for certain systems including those with chaotic dynamics this scheme fails to induce synchronization. In this work a modified master-slave scheme, based on combining elastic and dissipative couplings is presented. We focuses on a possible solution for this limitation by illustrating our method employing the va der Pol and Dung oscillators and analyzing three dierent ways of coupling. We obtain, synchronization in both oscillators.

Author Biography

Ulises Uriostegui Legorreta, CINVESTAV

CINVESTAV-IPN, Unidad Guadalajara


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How to Cite

U. U. Legorreta and E. Tututi, “Synchronization in the van der Pol-Duffing system via elastic and dissipative couplings”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 68, no. 1 Jan-Feb, pp. 011402 1–, Jan. 2022.



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