The effect of deformation of special relativity by conformable derivative


  • Ahmed Al-Jamel Al al-Bayt University
  • Mohamed AL-MASAEED Al al-Bayt University
  • Eqab Rabei Al al-Bayt University
  • Dumitru Baleanu



conformable derivative, fractional calculus, special relativity


In this paper, the deformation of special relativity within the frame of conformable derivative is formulated. Within this context, the two postulates of the theory are re-stated. Then, the addition of velocity laws are derived and used to verify the constancy of the speed of light. The invariance principle of the laws of physics is demonstrated for some typical illustrative examples, namely, the conformable wave equation, the conformable Schrodinger equation, the conformable Klein-Gordon equation, and conformable Dirac equation. The current formalism may be applicable when using special relativity in a nonlinear or dispersive medium.


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How to Cite

A. Al-Jamel, M. AL-MASAEED, E. Rabei, and D. . Baleanu, “The effect of deformation of special relativity by conformable derivative”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 68, no. 5 Sep-Oct, pp. 050705 1–, Aug. 2022.



07 Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory