A complementary covariant approach to gravito-electromagnetism


  • Sergio Giardino UFRGS: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




classical general relativity, fundamental problems and general formalism, modified theories of gravity


From a previous paper where we proposed a description of general relativity within the gravito-electromagnetic limit, we propose an alternative modified gravitational theory. As in the former version, we analyze the vector and tensor equations of motion, the gravitational continuity equation, the conservation of the energy, the energy-momentum tensor, the field tensor, and the constraints concerning these fields. The Lagrangian formulation is also exhibited as an unified and simple formulation that will be useful for future investigation.


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How to Cite

S. Giardino, “A complementary covariant approach to gravito-electromagnetism”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 68, no. 1 Jan-Feb, pp. 010702 1–, Jan. 2022.



07 Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory