Effect of Sound Vibration towards the Stomata Opening Area via Edge Detection Analysis
Sound vibration, stomata pore area, Rhoeo discolorAbstract
The effect of sound vibration (SV) towards plants had been studied for more than 30 years. Many results confirmed that SV influenced various parts of plants, e.g.: the stomata. However, the scientific community was still in doubt of these results. Hence, it is now a matter of giving further proofs and/or insights using new methods. This study aimed to determine the stomata pore movement influenced by SV with new observation and analysis technique based on edge detection. We had directly observed the abaxial stomata of Rhoeo discolor plant exposed by single SV frequencies of 0 Hz to 7000 Hz with an interval of 1000 Hz. The main device used in the observation was a microscope. The observation was conducted before, during, and after the SV exposure. The measurement of the stomata pore area utilized an image capture, which was then analyzed with edge detection technique. These edges were used as an indicator in the calculation of the stomata pore area in the pixel unit. The result showed that SV with frequency of 6000 Hz produced the largest stomata pore area, whereas the frequencies of 2000 Hz and 3000 Hz gave smaller stomata pore areas. Therefore, a single frequency of SV influenced the stomata pore area based on the edge detection analysis.
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