Some novel different solutions for Boussinesq-type models including bright, singular, and dark soliton ones


  • M.T. Darvishi Razi University
  • Mohammad Najafi Razi University
  • Hadi Rezazadeh Amol University of Special Modern Technologies
  • S. Rezapour Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
  • Mustafa Inc Firat University



Boussinesq-type equation; Singular-solution; Dark-soliton solution; Bright-soliton solution


Some new different kinds of one-soliton solutions for various forms of Boussinesq-type equations are presented in this
paper to describe the nonlinear wave phenomena in coastal and ocean areas such as tsunami waves. These one-soliton
solutions include bright, dark, and singular ones. The property of each solution in coastal and ocean engineering is


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How to Cite

M. Darvishi, M. Najafi, H. Rezazadeh, S. Rezapour, and M. Inc, “Some novel different solutions for Boussinesq-type models including bright, singular, and dark soliton ones”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 70, no. 3 May-Jun, pp. 031306 1–, May 2024.