Hydrogenic impurity effect on optical properties of Wannier-Mott exciton confined in a spherical quantum dot with Kratzer potential under magnetic field
Wannier-Mott exciton, quantum dot, magnetic field, linear and non-linear optical absorption coefficients, refractive index changesAbstract
Confinement effects of Kratzer potential on a Wannier-Mott Exciton(W-M) are studied in a spherical quantum dot(QD) in the presence of a static magnetic field. Time independent Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation is solved numerically to obtain the energy states. The excitonic transitions so realized have been used to explore the non-linear optical properties that are important for optical characterization of materials such as the optical absorption coefficients (ACs) and refractive index changes (RICs). Impact of magnetic field, strength of the laser field and transition parameters using familiar compact density matrix approach are also analyzed. It has been observed that optical properties get radically modified under confinement effects. Also, the shift of degeneracy of different excitonic energy levels with the magnetic field in confinement potential has been reported for the first time for W-M exciton in the spherical quantum dot, the study that may have crucial input to the literature and myriad of practical implications.
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