Discrete analogue of Boltzmann factor and discrete thermodynamics


  • W. Chung Gyeongsang National University
  • H. Hassanabadi Shahrood University of Technology
  • Abdelmalek Boumali Universit´e Larbi-T´ebessi- T´ebessa




Superstatistics; discrete analogue of Boltzmann


In this paper we present the discrete thermodynamics where the inverse temperature is not continuous but discrete. We construct the discrete analogue of Boltzmann factor based on the discrete inverse temperature lattice. We study the discrete thermodynamics related to the discrete analogue of Boltzmann factor. We also discuss the superstatistics for the discrete inverse temperature.


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How to Cite

W. Chung, H. Hassanabadi, and A. Boumali, “Discrete analogue of Boltzmann factor and discrete thermodynamics”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 69, no. 1 Jan-Feb, pp. 011701 1–, Jan. 2023.



17 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics