Elastic scattering of 7Li+58Ni: a phenomenological and microscopic analysis
Elastic scattering; optical potential; folding potential; cluster folding model; Sao Paulo potential; CDCC methodAbstract
Motivating by examining the break-up effect of 7Li projectile into t + α cluster structure in the field of 58Ni nucleus, the available experimental angular distributions for 7Li + 58Ni elastic scattering system at energies ranging from 13 and up to 42 MeV are studied utilizing different phenomenological as well as microscopic potentials. Data analysis utilizing the Sao Paulo potential revealed that in order to reproduce the data, the strength of the real folded potential had to be reduced by ~ 36 %. While, data analysis utilizing the double folding CDM3Y6 potential with and without the rearrangement term revealed that the potential strength needed to be reduced by ~ 63 and 62 %, respectively. Cluster folding model based on the t + α cluster structure for 7Li is applied to reproduce the considered data. Similar results were obtained showing the necessity to reduce real cluster folding potential strength by about 49 %. The reported reduction in potential strength from the different implemented potentials supports the strong 7Li break-up impact. Finally, the full microscopic continuum discretized coupled channels approach is applied with a great success in reproducing the considered data.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Norah A.M. Alsaif, Sh. Hamada, M. El-Azab Farid, B. M. Alotaibi, Mohammed Alotiby, Awad Ibraheem

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