Flavor changing flavon decay ɸ→tc (ɸ = HF, AF ) at the high luminosity large hadron collider
Flavon; flavor changing neutral currents; high luminosity large hadron colliderAbstract
We present a study of the flavor changing decays φ → tc (φ = HF, AF ) of the CP-even and CP-odd scalar flavons at the large hadron collider and its next stage, the high-luminosity large hadron collider. The theoretical framework is an extension of the standard model that incorporates an extra complex singlet and invokes the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism with an Abelian flavor symmetry. The projected exclusion and discovery regions in terms of the model parameters are reported. We find that AF could be detected at the LHC by considering a reasonable scenario of the model parameter space. As far as HF is concerned, we also found promising results that could be verified experimentally at the high-luminosity LHC.
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