Total angular momentum of water molecule and its interaction with a constant magnetic field


  • C. H. Zepeda Fernandez CONACyT, FCFM-BUAP
  • C. A. López-Téllez FCFM-BUAP
  • Y. Flores Orea FCFM-BUAP
  • E. Moreno Barbosa FCFM-BUAP



Water molecule; total angular momentum; energy levels; quantum mechanics; magnetic resonance imaging


The water molecule has many biological functions and is one of the most abundant molecules in the human body. Then, in order to carry out a study of the molecule in physical and chemical phenomena, the model used depends on the phenomenon. For some cases, it is necessary to consider the electronic distribution, while in other cases, it is necessary to consider the protons of the hydrogen atoms, for example, to explain the physics in magnetic resonance imaging. In this work, the water molecule model considered is conformed by three particles: The two nuclei of the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom negatively double charged and unstructured. The spatial wave function and the interaction of the angular momentum of protons with a constant magnetic field has been studied in a previous work. The present work is a completion, in order to have the complete wave function of this model, considering the spin of the protons, where the energy is degenerated (B = 0). Finally, the interaction of the spin of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms with a magnetic field is studied, representing the case of magnetic resonance imaging, where it is obtained a break in the degeneration of the energy levels, which are in the order of radiofrequency.


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How to Cite

C. H. Zepeda Fernández, C. A. López-Téllez, Y. Flores Orea, and E. Moreno Barbosa, “Total angular momentum of water molecule and its interaction with a constant magnetic field”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 70, no. 5 Sep-Oct, pp. 050401 1–, Sep. 2024.



04 Atomic and Molecular Physics