Comparative study of alpha scattering from various nuclei at 130 MeV: Microscopic potentials and coupled channel calculations
Energy density functional; single folding cluster; deformation length parameterAbstract
The angular distributions of the elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections of alpha projectiles on different heavy ion target nuclei including 12C, 16O, 24Mg, 28Si and 40Ca at energy of 130 MeV have been studied using two different microscopic real potentials generated by the energy density functional (EDF) theory, and single folding cluster model as well as phenomenological Woods-Saxon potentials. A new parameterization was considered for the first time by EDF and to make the normalization coefficient tend to unity, it is necessary to consider correction to the calculated real potential. Coupled channel calculations for various low-lying states were performed, and the best fit values for the deformation length with the above models were extracted by fitting the inelastic scattering cross section and compared to previous work values. The total reaction cross section, as well as the real and imaginary volume integrals, have been studied.
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