An exact treatment of localization of electromagnetic plus separable potential


  • A. K. Behera National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India
  • B. Swain National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India
  • U. Laha National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India
  • J. Bhoi Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Burla, India



Hulthén plus Yamaguchi potential, Phase equivalent potential, Phase parameters, (p-p) and (p-d) systems


Equivalent local potential with energy-momentum dependence is developed for the combined interaction of Hulthén modified Yamaguchi potential by developing its exact Jost solution. The generated local potentials are applied to compute scattering phase parameters for (p-p) and (p-d) systems through the phase function method (PFM). The same are also calculated for the nonlocal potential from the expression of the Fredholm determinant. Our obtained data for both the energy-momentum dependent local and the pure nonlocal interactions are in reasonable agreement with the standard data. Reasonable correspondence between the results for the phase equivalent and the nonlocal potentials indicate that our equivalent local analysis is in proper order.


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How to Cite

A. K. BEHERA, B. Swain, U. Laha, and J. Bhoi, “An exact treatment of localization of electromagnetic plus separable potential”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 70, no. 5 Sep-Oct, pp. 051201 1–, Sep. 2024.