Bohr postulates derived from the toroidal electron model


  • C. A. M. dos Santos Escola de Engenharia de Lorena - University of São Paulo
  • M. S. da Luz Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro



Toroidal Electron Model, Schwinger Electromagnetic Wave, Bohr Postulates


The quantization of the electron orbits in the Bohr atom is revisited. The toroidal electron model, in which electron charge is described by Schwinger electromagnetic wave orbiting the electron mass, offers a natural explanation for the orbit quantization. As a consequence, the four Bohr postulates can be directly derived from the toroidal electron structure. A physical meaning for the Rydberg constant is also proposed.


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Another possibility is electron mass to be distributed in the toroidal structure, as pointed out previously [10]

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How to Cite

dos S. Carlos A. M. and M. da Luz, “Bohr postulates derived from the toroidal electron model”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 70, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 040201 1–, Jul. 2024.