Structural and AC conductivity of polyaniline doped nickle oxide nanocomposites


  • A. Zia Beijing University of Technology
  • M. Irfan Bahauddin Zakariya University
  • S. Saeed International Research Centre for Nano Handling and Manufacturing of China
  • W. Abbas Bahauddin Zakriya University
  • M. Ehsan Mazhar Bahauddin Zakriya University
  • A. Waheed NFC-IET
  • M. Nisa Govt Sadiq College Women University BWP
  • A. Riaz Govt Sadiq College Women University BWP
  • S. Malik Govt Sadiq College Women University BWP
  • N. Bano King Saud University
  • I. Hussain ETHICSS International Centre for Sustainability and Security
  • S. Haider Bahauddin Zakriya University



Polyaniline, polymer composite, in-situ polymerization, structural, electrical properties


In this work, we have investigated the influence of polyaniline on the structural and electrical properties of polyaniline-nickel oxide (PANI-NiO) nanocomposites prepared by in-situ chemical polymerization. The experimental procedure involved the synthesis of Polyaniline (PANI) and their composites with varying weight percentages of NiO nanoparticles using an in-situ polymerization route. The structure of NiO@PANI nanocomposites was verified using the X-ray diffraction technique. It was observed that NiO exhibited a single-crystalline structure, whereas PANI displayed a non-crystalline structure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed spherical NiO and granular PANI, both with homogeneous distribution, and increased polymer content resulted in more porosity. The measured values of dielectric constant, dielectric loss, and AC conductivity decreased as frequency and temperature increased. The optimum presence of conductive PANI with nickel oxide in a composite is responsible for the increase in AC electrical conductivity. The prepared composite material behaves as a semiconductor and may be helpful for charge storage devices and related field applications.


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How to Cite

A. Zia, “Structural and AC conductivity of polyaniline doped nickle oxide nanocomposites ”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 71, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 020502 1–, Mar. 2025.