On the split Voigt profile and its use in the analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns


  • F. Sánchez-Bajo Universidad de Extremadura




X-ray diffraction, split Voigt function, Line broadening


The main properties (integral breadth, FWHM, Fourier transform) of the split Voigt function have been analysed. These are important in the study of the X-ray diffraction peaks. In this way, some X-ray diffraction lines of a sample of quartz and zirconia has been analysed by using single line methods, describing the instrumental-spectral asymmetric peaks by means of split Voigt functions.


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How to Cite

F. Sánchez Bajo, “On the split Voigt profile and its use in the analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 71, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 021004 1–, Mar. 2025.