Weyl invariance in metric f(R) gravity


  • José Ma. Fernández Cristóbal IES Giner de los Ríos Segovia




Weyl invariance, Metric f(R) Gravity, Jordan frame, Einstein frame


We aim to derive the most general f(R) gravity theory, including the matter, so that it be Weyl invariant. Making use of the mathematical equivalence of these theories with an type of scalar-tensor theory, and by imposing the Weyl invariance for the pure gravity as well as for the matter sector, we obtain the fundamental equation that restricts the form of V (phi) (and, accordingly, of f(R)) so that the resulting action to be Weyl invariant in the Jordan frame. We show that this action is not other than the so-called dilaton gravity action with one scalar eld,, which eective mass is R and Phi dependent. In the Einstein frame, the action becomes the Einstein-Hilbert action with the Ricci scalar being constant due to that the eective mass of scalar eld in this frame vanish. So, we can assume that the Ricci scalar, in the Einstein frame, is the true Cosmological Constant. Therefore, is not preposterous to guess that, at least mathematically, all Weyl invariant metric f(R) theory in the Jordan frame is equivalent, at classical level, to the Einstein gravity, in the Einstein frame, with a constant Ricci scalar. At quantum level, as it is known, both theories are not equivalent due to the presence of anomalies in one of the frames.




How to Cite

J. M. Fernández Cristóbal, “Weyl invariance in metric f(R) gravity”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 64, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 181–186, Mar. 2018.



07 Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory