Local available quantum correlations for Bell Diagonal states and Markovian decoherence





Quantum correlations, Bell Diagonal states, Werner states, Decoherence, Kraus operators


Local available quantum correlations (LAQCs), as dened by Mundarain et al. [19], are analytically determined for Bell Diagonal states. Using the Kraus operators formalism [10], we analyze the dissipative dynamics of 2-qubit LAQCs under Markovian decoherence. This is done for Werner states under the depolarizing [20] and phase damping channels [21]. Since Werner states are among those that exhibit the so called entanglement sudden death [27], the results are compared with the ones obtained for Quantum Discord [22], as analyzed by Werlang et al. [24], as well as for entanglement, i.e. Concurrence[7]. The LAQCs quantier, as Quantum Discord does, only vanishes asymptotically.

Author Biographies

Hermann L Albrecht Q, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Profesor Contratado a Tiempo Integral

Departamento de Física

Douglas F. Mundarain, Universidad Católica del Norte

Departamento de Física, Universidad Católica del Norte

Mario I. Caicedo S., Universidad Simón Bolívar

Profesor Titular Jubilado

Departamento de Física




How to Cite

H. L. Albrecht Q, D. F. Mundarain, and M. I. Caicedo S., “Local available quantum correlations for Bell Diagonal states and Markovian decoherence”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 64, no. 6 Nov-Dec, pp. 662–670, Oct. 2018.



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