Role of the cut-off function for the ground state variational wavefunction of the hydrogen atom confined by a hard sphere




Confined hydrogen atom, cut-off functions, Dirichlet boundary conditions


A variational treatment of the hydrogen atom in its ground state, enclosed by a hard spherical cavity of radius Rc , is developed by considering the ansatz wavefunction as the product of the free-atom 1s orbital times a cut-off function to satisfy the Dirichlet boundary condition imposed by the impenetrable confining sphere. Seven different expressions for the cut-off function are employed to evaluate the energy, the cusp condition, <r^-1>,<r>, <r^2>, and the Shannon entropy, and  as a function of Rc in each case. We investigate which of the proposed cut-off functions provides best agreement with available corresponding exact calculations for the above quantities. We find that most of these cut-off functions work better in certain regions of Rc , while others are identified to give bad results in general. The cut-off functions that give, on average, better results are of the form (1- (r/Rc)^n), n=1,2,3

Author Biographies

R.A. Rojas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa

Departamento de Físca

and N. Aquino, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa

Departamento de Física




How to Cite

R. Rojas and and N. Aquino, “Role of the cut-off function for the ground state variational wavefunction of the hydrogen atom confined by a hard sphere”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 65, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 116–123, Mar. 2019.



04 Atomic and Molecular Physics