Polymer weight determination from numerical and experimental data of the reduced viscosity of polymer in brine


  • A. Vega Paz Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • F. de J. Guevara Rodríguez Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7162-1937
  • J. F. Palomeque Santiago Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • and N. Victorovna Likhanova Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo




Polymer weight, radius of gyration, reduced viscosity, molecular dynamics simulations


The molecular weight of poly[acrylamide-co-vinylpyrrolidone-co-(vinyl benzyl) trimethyl ammonium]chloride is determined from numerical and experimental data of the reduced viscosity of polymer in brine (with 0.1M NaCl) at normal temperature and pressure. The methodology is based on the numerical results of the mean radius of gyration of polymer and reduced viscosity which is derived from the molecular dynamics simulation of the mixture by using the NPT ensemble. The formula of the reduced viscosity as a function of the polymer radius of gyration and the polymer concentration in brine is proposed.

Author Biography

F. de J. Guevara Rodríguez, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

Gerencia de Desarrollo de Materiales y Productos Químicos




How to Cite

A. Vega Paz, F. de J. Guevara Rodríguez, J. F. Palomeque Santiago, and and N. Victorovna Likhanova, “Polymer weight determination from numerical and experimental data of the reduced viscosity of polymer in brine”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 65, no. 4 Jul-Aug, pp. 321–327, Jul. 2019.



04 Atomic and Molecular Physics