Soliton propagation of electromagnetic field vectors of polarized light ray traveling along with coiled optical fiber on the unit 2-sphereS²


  • T. Körpınar Mus Alparslan University
  • R. Cem Demirkol Department of Mathematics Mus Alparslan University.
  • Z. Körpınar Mus Alparslan University



Moving space curves, optical fiber, geometric phase, evolution equations, traveling wave hypothesis.


In this paper, we relate the evolution equation of the electric field and magnetic field vectors of the polarized light ray traveling along with a coiled optical fiber on the unit 2-sphere S² into the nonlinear Schrödinger's equation by proposing new kinds of binormal motions and new kinds of Hasimoto functions in addition to commonly known formula of the binormal motion and Hasimoto function. All these operations have been conducted by using the orthonormal frame of spherical equations that is defined along with the coiled optical fiber lying on the unit 2-sphere S². We also propose perturbed solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger's evolution equation that governs the propagation of solitons through electric field (E) and magnetic field (M) vectors. Finally, we provide some numerical simulations to supplement the analytical outcomes.

Author Biographies

T. Körpınar, Mus Alparslan University


R. Cem Demirkol, Department of Mathematics Mus Alparslan University.


Z. Körpınar, Mus Alparslan University

Applied Mathematics and Physics




How to Cite

T. Körpınar, R. C. Demirkol, and Z. Körpınar, “Soliton propagation of electromagnetic field vectors of polarized light ray traveling along with coiled optical fiber on the unit 2-sphereS²”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 65, no. 6 Nov-Dec, pp. 626–633, Oct. 2019.



07 Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory