Exact solutions of vector bosons in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm and Coulomb potentials in the gravitational field of topological defects in non-commutative space-time


  • A. Boumali
  • H. Aounallah




In this paper, we obtain the exact solutions of Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation spin-1 in the
presence of the Aharonov-Bohm and Coulomb potential in the gravitational field of cosmic string
and a global monopole, we are study the DKP equation in commutative space-time, We separated
the variables with the help of Wigner functions and the parity operator, We solved the system of
the second order differential equation in the case of P = (−1) j+1 , but in the case of P = (−1) j we
solved the system in j = 0. The spectrum of energy in the gravitational field of cosmic string and a
global monopole are different, and the commutation relation of the angular momentum are obviously
different from Pauli criterion in the Aharonov-Bohm effect, in spin-0 and spin-1 we have the non-
commutativity energy by the perturbation theory, the energy is transition from commutative to
non-commutative spac




How to Cite

A. Boumali and H. Aounallah, “Exact solutions of vector bosons in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm and Coulomb potentials in the gravitational field of topological defects in non-commutative space-time”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 66, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 192–208, Mar. 2020.



07 Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory