Influence of pairing and deformation on charge exchange transitions
Charge-exchange reactions, Gamow-Teller, pairing, deformationAbstract
We describe the importance of charge-exchange reactions, and in particular Gamow-Teller transitions, first to astrophysical processes and double beta decay, and then to the understanding of nuclear structure. In our review of their role in nuclear structure we first provide an overview of some of the key steps in the emergence of our current understanding of the structure of nuclei, including the central role played by the isovector pairing and the quadrupole-quadrupole channels in the description of energy spectra and in the manifestation of collective modes, some associated with deformation of the nuclear shape. We then turned our focus to Gamow-Teller (GT) tran- sitions in relatively light nuclei, especially in the 2p1f shell, where isoscalar pairing may be playing a role in competition with the isovector pairing that dominates in heavier regions. Following a summary of the progress made in recent years on this subject, we report a systematic shell model study aimed at providing further clarification as to how these pairing modes compete. In this study, we use a schematic Hamiltonian that contains a quadrupole- quadrupole interaction as well as both isoscalar and isovector pairing interac- tions. We first find an optimal set of Hamiltonian parameters for the model, to provide a starting point from which to vary the relevant pairing strengths and thus assess how this impacts the behavior of GT transitions and the corresponding energy spectra and rotational properties of the various nuclei involved in the decays. The analysis includes as an important theme a com- parison with experimental data. The need to suppress the isoscalar pairing mode when treating nuclei with a neutron excess to avoid producing spurious results for the ground state spin and parity with the simplified Hamiltonian is highlighted. Varying the strength parameters for the two pairing modes is found to exhibit different but systematic effects on GT transition properties and on the corresponding energy spectra, which are detailed.
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