Energy on a timelike particle in dynamical and electrodynamical force fields in De-Sitter space


  • T. Körp\i nar
  • R.C. Demirkol


De-sitter space, dynamics systems, energy, force, frenet vectors


In this study, we firstly define equations of motion based on traditional Newtonian mechanics in terms of the Frenet-Serret frame adapted to the worldline of the moving particle in De-Sitter space. Then, we compute energy on the moving timelike particle in resultant force field using geometrical description of the curvature and the torsion of the worldline belonging to the particle in the space. We also investigate the relation between energy on the moving timelike particle in different force fields and energy on the moving timelike particle in the Frenet-Serret vector fields.




How to Cite

T. Körp\i nar and R. Demirkol, “Energy on a timelike particle in dynamical and electrodynamical force fields in De-Sitter space”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 63, no. 6 Nov-Dec, pp. 560–0, Jan. 2017.