Fidelity and concurrence of entangled qudits between a trapped ion and two laser beams


  • Rasim Dermez Afyon Kocatepe University
  • S. Abdel-Khalek
  • E. M. Khalil



A quantum scheme is presented by which a three-level trapped ion interacts with a two laser beams in the absence and presence of the e®ect of classical  field. We analyze the impact of the classical ¯eld and the Lamb-Dicke parameter (LDP) on the dynamical behavior of entanglement quanti¯er, population probabilities and the geometric phase. Based on four different variations of these two effects, LDP = 0.1, LDP=0.01 and ¯ = 0.0, ¯ = 0.49, the time dependence of geometric phase and populations probabilities are shown. The ¯nding emphasizes that both the time-dependent and LDP play an important role in the development of the entanglement, the geometric phase, ¯delity, and populations probabilities. This in-sight may be very useful in various applications in quantum optics and information processing.




How to Cite

R. Dermez, S. . Abdel-Khalek, and E. M. . Khalil, “Fidelity and concurrence of entangled qudits between a trapped ion and two laser beams”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 67, no. 5 Sep-Oct, pp. 050705 1–9, Sep. 2021.



07 Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory