Pseudoscalar current and covariance with the light-front approach


  • Jurandi Leão IFSP and LFTC, UCS/UNICID
  • Joao de Mello LFTC - Univeridade Cruzeiro do Sul / UNICID



Pion; light-front; quark model; electromagnetic current; electromagnetic form factor


Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is used to describe the physics of particles in terms of their fundamental constituents. The Light-Front Field Theory (LFFT), introduced by Paul Dirac in 1949 [1], is an alternative approach to solve some of the problems that arise in quantum field theory. The LFFT is similar to the Equal Time Quantum Field Theory (EQT), however, some particularities are not, such as the loss of covariance in the light-front. Pion electromagnetic form factor is studied in this work at lower and higher momentum transfer regions to explore the constituent quark models and the differences among these and other models. The electromagnetic current is calculated with both the “plus” and “minus” components in the light-front approach. The results are compared with other models, as well as with experimental data.


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How to Cite

J. Leão and J. de Mello, “Pseudoscalar current and covariance with the light-front approach”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 69, no. 6 Nov-Dec, pp. 060801 1–, Nov. 2023.