Enhance the coherence of open two-level system through the superposition of environments


  • Jin-Chuan Sun Wuhan University




Spin-boson model; superposition of environments; initial system-environment correlations; decoherence.


Dynamics of a two-level system in the superposition of two dephasing environments with Ohmic-like spectral density is studied when considering initial system-environment correlations. The quantum system and one environment are treated as whole thermal equilibrium state, while the other environment is at thermal equilibrium state alone. Which environment the system interacts with is determined by an ancillary two-level system. When the system interacts with mixture of two sub-Ohmic environments, initial correlations can make the mixed dynamics non-Markovian. For two identical sub-Ohmic environments, if performing the projective measurement on the ancillary two-level system at the special time points, whatever the initial state of the system is, the coherence can be enhanced. For two different environments with βħω0/2>>, we get the approximate expression about the coherence of the system when measuring the ancillary two-level system.


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How to Cite

J.-C. Sun, “Enhance the coherence of open two-level system through the superposition of environments”, Rev. Mex. Fís., vol. 70, no. 2 Mar-Apr, pp. 020401 1–, Mar. 2024.



04 Atomic and Molecular Physics